

tomorrow is the big day ...  i'm excited to say my next post will be from colorado!

enjoy your weekend ... i know i'll enjoy mine!

image courtesy of allison kilkerney


road trip with toddlers ... oh my

in just a few short days i will embark on my most fearful journey i've had in a LONG time!  i'm going to attempt to drive across 3 states with my 1.5 year old and my 3.5 year old. now for some of you this may sound like no big deal, but for me this is pure anxiety.  i have been researching ideas and tips for keeping two animals in a cage for 14 hours!  i thought I'd share what i've found out and what i've planned.  i'll have to do a follow-up to let y'all know how these are "road tested" - ha - pun intended. 

stuff to entertain:  
portable dvd player & movies; 
music cd's for sing-a-longs
new books to read; 
color wonder coloring books & markers
small cookie sheets & magnets to play with
etch-a-sketch & doodle-pro

lots of snacks (but not a lot of sugar)
window covers to block some light for nap time
budget stops to get out and move (or run) every 1-2 hours

wish me luck!